Everyman in His Humour is one of Ben Jonson's most famous plays, first performed in 1598. The play is a satirical comedy that focuses on the foolishness and hypocrisy of...
The Alchemist by Ben Jonson is a comedic play that satirizes greed, deception, and the gullibility of people in society. Set in 17th-century London, it follows a conman and his...
The Jew of Malta is a play by Christopher Marlowe, written around 1590. It tells the story of Barabas, a wealthy Jewish merchant in Malta, whose greed and desire for...
The Rape of the Lock is one of Alexander Pope's most famous mock-epic poems, offering a satirical take on a trivial event—a stolen lock of hair—that leads to a grand...
Volpone, written by Ben Jonson in 1605, is a dark comedy that satirizes the vices of greed, deception, and corruption. The play revolves around Volpone, a wealthy Venetian who feigns...