Barchester Towers is the second novel in Anthony Trollope's famous Chronicles of Barsetshire series, first published in 1857. It follows the social and political intricacies of the fictional town of...
Don Quixote, written by Miguel de Cervantes and first published in 1605, is one of the most influential works in Western literature. The novel follows the adventures of Don Quixote,...
Essays of Elia by Charles Lamb is a celebrated collection of personal essays blending wit, nostalgia, and introspection. Written under the pseudonym "Elia," these essays capture Lamb's reflections on life,...
Everyman in His Humour is one of Ben Jonson's most famous plays, first performed in 1598. The play is a satirical comedy that focuses on the foolishness and hypocrisy of...
The Alchemist by Ben Jonson is a comedic play that satirizes greed, deception, and the gullibility of people in society. Set in 17th-century London, it follows a conman and his...
The Jew of Malta is a play by Christopher Marlowe, written around 1590. It tells the story of Barabas, a wealthy Jewish merchant in Malta, whose greed and desire for...
The Rape of the Lock is one of Alexander Pope's most famous mock-epic poems, offering a satirical take on a trivial event—a stolen lock of hair—that leads to a grand...
Tom Jones is a classic 18th-century English novel written by Henry Fielding, first published in 1749. It follows the adventures of the titular character, Tom Jones, an orphan raised by...
Volpone, written by Ben Jonson in 1605, is a dark comedy that satirizes the vices of greed, deception, and corruption. The play revolves around Volpone, a wealthy Venetian who feigns...